Wetsuits Scuba

Wetsuits Scuba

Scuba Diving is a great sport and an awesome lifestyle. You can scuba dive almost anywhere around the world- Warm tropical waters around the equator, to temperate waters along the Australian coastline, even sub antarctic waters, are all available for the suitably trained and properly insulated diver.
Being cold on your dive is not much fun plus being cold, can increase your risk of decompression sickness.

So stay warm and enjoy your dives.

To overcome the cold divers wear correctly sized wetsuits. Water slowly enters the suit, your body heats this small amount of water up and you stay warm.
Wetsuits are available in many different sizes, thicknesses and styles. 

Having a wetsuit that is suitable to the climate is the most important factor to consider. You need to take into consideration the temperature of the water you are diving into, your tolerances to temperatures, then consider the amount of time you are diving and finally, to what depths!

A thin suit for a short, shallow dive in warm water may suffice, however if you feel the cold, you may require a full suit or even thicker neoprene to keep you warm.

Sometimes just a wetsuit isn’t enough, you may want to think about some extra layers, like thermal shirts, shorts or long johns.
Thermals are available to wear under your wetsuit and because divers tend to lose heat through their heads, try a hood!

For sub temperate to sub antarctic waters, you are better wearing a drysuit to insulate your body from the cold. Wearing thick thermal layers under your drysuit does the job of keeping you toasty warm.

Can't decide which thermal protection is for you, drop into the dive centre, have a chat with the team, try on a wetsuit or drysuit that suits your style or place of diving. 

Dive warm, dive safe!